Mr. & Mrs. Vides

What more could you ask for a wedding? A beautiful winery, a gorgeous bride, a handsome groom, surrounded by the single most important people in your life that are there to celebrate your marriage. Covid may have pushed this wedding out over a year, but that just meant the party would be that much better when it FINALLY happened. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Vides! Your wedding day was one for the books!


Mr. & Mrs. Luna

October 9th, 2021 has come and gone and taken a piece of my heart with it. You see, I met Brittney when we were in high school. We showed horses on the Arabian circuit religiously every month and she was always one of my favorite people to talk to. As we got older and life got in the way of showing, we were able to keep in touch by the power of MySpace (did I just date myself there?).

Many, many years later, Brittney reached out to me shortly after I had opened my photography business and wanted me to be the one to capture her vet school announcement. Talk about an honor! Of course, seeing her and her mom at the shoot was like no time had passed and when she said “you’ll photograph my wedding one day!” I took it as a compliment, but didn’t put much stock in to it.

How wrong was I?! It was truly incredible to be the one to capture Brittney and Alex’s wedding day. It was nothing short of perfect at the most beautiful venue in Murrieta, Monteleone Meadows, and even had a flower/beer man instead of a flower girl! The single best thing I’ve seen at a wedding, ever, and I’ve been to plenty of them lol.

Here is a sneak peek of their wedding day!
