Heather's Branding Session

When a fellow small business owner hires me to do their branding photos, I always do a little happy dance. We live in a media-driven world that often leaves us feeling disconnected from one another and branding photos are the perfect way to stand out. Showing up by showing yourself, in my opinion, is the best way to get your followers to connect with you. Never mind the fact that it’s always a good idea to have updated photos of yourself, because why not?

Heather is a local hair salon owner and she is expanding her business into something I can’t wait to see come to fruition. With the launch of this new brand, she needed new photos, and I was ecstatic that she hired me to help her! Downtown Riverside proved to be the perfect spot to accomplish what we did and I’m thrilled to show off a few teasers!

Sidenote: how adorable is she in that hat?! I so wish I could pull one off.

Source: colleen-k.com/blog/heather

Page Family

I don’t talk about it much, but I still get nervous before sessions. Doesn’t matter that nearly 6 years have gone by since I started my business, the butterflies still make an appearance. The butterflies were strong with this session, because this beautiful couple found me on Google of all places! Most of my clients come from referrals or Instagram, so this was a first for my little business!

Fairmount Park in Riverside can be a tricky spot for photos as the water can reflect too much light from the sun. I’m not sure how, but we went at just the right time, because this is the dreamiest light I’ve ever seen!

Congratulations on your new little girl, Page family!

Source: colleen-k.com/blog/pagefamily